Room Function
To provide the mother plants with good light, climate and irrigation, they are kept separate in a private space from the final flower rooms, because the light schedule is such that the plants do not bloom, the so-called short-day plant. As cuttings are taken from the plant, the rooms are sterile. The cuttings leave a little gap, and this can cause problems if a good hygiene regime is not maintained in the rooms.
Light Schedule & Intensity
The light schedule is a long day: 18 hours with moderate light intensity of approximately 25-27 Mol per day.
The light spectrum is similar to that in the vegetive room and adjusting the spectrum of light color has not been possible, but using a mixture of different lights, like HPS or “Kwik” with LED, leads to an adjustable color spectrum. This provides a more natural cycle of light: blueish in the morning and reddish in the evening.
Temperature & Humidity
The temperature should not differ too much between day and night. In terms of energy saving and plant health, the cannabis plants may receive a cooler night. Taking into account that the temperature changes over the entire plant, it should not change by more than 2 degrees per hour, both up and down. Humidity levels are kept at around 60–70%
Irrigation Method
Irrigation for the mother plants can be done with drippers as they are normal adult plants. The recipes are chosen based on the genetic footprint of the plant, carefully monitoring EC and pH and selecting the right amount of nutrients. The control valves, the amount of water and the amount of evaporation should be carefully monitored so that abnormalities are marked and proper adjustments can be made. The irrigation amount is carefully adjusted in EC to allow proper fluid to flow through the plants.
The mother rooms are being controled with air movement, increase and decrease in humidity levels and heated and cooled room temperatures, to always obtain the proper vapor pressure deficit. This will prevent that the plants get stress, or worse, diseases and fungi.