Greenhouse Structure & Construction

Greenhouse Structure

Construction of Greenhouse: covering your valuable crops

The primary function of a greenhouse is to protect valuable crops from outside conditions, while maintaining transparency to allow crucial sunlight to reach the crops. The greenhouse structure protects crops from the weather and benefits from the well-known "greenhouse-effect".

From their humble beginnings as a protection against external factors, Dutch greenhouses have developed into high-tech cultivation facilities. Technological advancements have made it possible to cultivate out-of-season and provide food and flowers to markets around the world, every day of the year. With improvements in temperature control, climate-, cultivation-, irrigation- and automation systems, the green house construction itself has also improved greatly to facilitate them, protect them and make these systems even more efficient. What means you get a better plant growth in our controlled growing environment.

A complete greenhouse construction, from the foundation up

Similar to most buildings, the greenhouse structure consists of five high-level components: foundations, structural frames, cladding, ventilation windows and drainage systems. The greenhouse structure consists of concrete, steel and aluminium and is covered with glass, sandwichpanels or polycarbonate.
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Learn more about greenhouse construction and structures?

Construction of greenhouse components

With so many greenhouse components, what comes first and how is it built? We have made an overview of the green house construction sequence of the greenhouse structure.
Insect Netting Screening for greenhouses
Ventilation Window Greenhouse


The main purpose of a greenhouse is to shield important crops from external elements, while still permitting essential sunlight to penetrate and nourish the plants.

The framework of the greenhouse is constructed from durable materials such as concrete, steel, and aluminum, and is enclosed with either glass, sandwich panels, or polycarbonate.

The structural parts of Dutch greenhouses are the foundation, the steel sub-structure and the aluminium super-structure.

The construction of a greenhouse involves a serie of well-planned steps. First, a foundation is laid, which can involve piling or a more lightweight alternative comprised of boreholes, a perimeter wall, and prefabricated steel foundation posts. Next, the steel structure is erected, along with critical elements like the aluminum gutter and ventilation mechanisms. Rainwater management is addressed during this phase to avoid future complications. A service building covered in sandwich panels is then constructed to store materials and facilitate the work of third parties. The greenhouse is finally covered with glass and ventilation windows are installed, followed by sidewall covering. The last step involves installing insect netting, which is crucial for the functionality of the greenhouse, and can be installed either from the roof or from inside the structure.

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