Greenhouse Grow Lights

Tomatoes greenhouse!

Greenhouse Lighting: Essential for growth

Greenhouse Lighting is an essential factor for plant growth. Our greenhouses are designed to create an optimal environment for growing plants. Because natural sunlight is the cheapest source of light available, translucency of the greenhouses and greenhouse shading are important factors. However, natural greenhouse light is not always available in sufficient quantities or at the right time for optimal commercial products. This is where supplemental greenhouse lighting with grow lights comes in handy.

Greenhouse Grow Light Requirements

Our custom-made software CRUX, allows us to easily obtain solar radiation data from reputable sources. This enables us to quickly determine the light levels available and calculate the grow light requirements for optimal production and yields. In greenhouse technology, we consider three functions of grow light.

PAR Light, Micromols and DLI

There is a lot of terminology and jargon when it comes to grow lighting. To provide clarity and enable better understanding when discussing grow lighting, the essential elements and terms are briefly explained below.

Greenhouse Grow light requirements per crop

Enhance plant growth with our greenhouse lighting system, utilizing artificial light. Achieve optimal conditions for your crops with precision-controlled lighting, maximizing yield and quality.

Different crops have distinct greenhouse lighting system needs for optimal growth. Understanding these needs is crucial for a successful greenhouse and indoor growing operation. For instance, leafy greens like lettuce and herbs generally require lower light intensities, for these crops, minimal additional light could be sufficient. In contrast, fruiting plants like tomatoes and peppers need higher light intensities and a broader spectrum of light to support both vegetative growth and fruiting. For more specific details, visit the crop-specific grow light requirement guides linked here.