Tomato Greenhouse

From A to Z: Our turnkey tomato greenhouse

Building a greenhouse from start to finish, and further.

Your entire greenhouse under control with one contract, with one greenhouse construction company. We take care of the rest to ensure peace of mind for our clients so they can focus on taking their new turnkey greenhouse into use.

Standardized Tomoto Greenhouses Brochure & Pricing

Whether you're righting a businessplan, looking for investment opportunities or simply looking for more information on growing tomatoes in greenhouses, feel free to download our brochure to check out pricing for our best-practice sizes

Tomatoes are the most widely grown crop in greenhouses. Whether you're righting a businessplan, looking for investment opportunities or simply looking for more information on growing tomatoes in greenhouses, feel free to download our brochure to check out pricing for our best-practice sizes

Brochure Image for greenhouses

Estimated return on investment of a tomato greenhouse project?

Tomato greenhouse design parameters

The below table gives the design parameters for the cultivation of Tomato in greenhouses. These are all averages or design criteria which we facilitate with greenhouse technology to achieve the desired values.

Investment & Pricing

Lisianthus, is a plant that thrive in warmer climates, to flower it requires a darker time, approx. 10 hours of darkness.

The Challenge

The Lisianthus is a typical flower that might be sold as a bunch or put into a larger bouquet.

The Lisianthus is mostly raised in full soil, this requires that the soil will be steamed at each crop rotation, typically a crop lasts in the greenhouse approx. 10 weeks, this results in nearly 5 cycles per year.

The Lisianthus is also possible to grow on a substrate, or just water, however commercial growers are a bit hesitant in the Netherlands, however with the high amount of energy required for these plants we might see a shift sooner.

The Lisianthus crop is limited in areal, however new greenhouses are build with optimal climate conditions and energy saving solutions.

The labor work is continual, which allows for a dedicated team to be active in the greenhouse for the entire year.