Greenhouse with Glass

Glass For Greenhouse

In vegetable production, a rule of thumb states that 1% more light equals 1% more potential production. The greenhouse glass covering therefore should allow sunlight to enter the greenhouse as much as possible for a maximum potential photosynthesis. Just like every constructive element in the greenhouse, glass is evaluated carefully for its light translucency and its return on investment, if not more.

Types of greenhouse glass

Two types of greenhouse glass can be distinguished; horticultural float glass (non-tempered) and tempered glass. In almost every greenhouse project, both are used. Tempered glass has a scala of opportunities for further treatment to create desired light transmission.
Greenhouse with Glass

Do you want to know more about greenhouse glass?

Diffuse greenhouse glass

In greenhouse cultivation, diffuse light properties are increasingly used and is always a topic of discussion, in screening, roof-washing and grow lights.


Greenhouse glass can be categorized into two glass types: non-tempered glass and tempered glass. These can be low-iron for more light translucency, or just as regular float glass. For safety reasons, non-tempered glass can only be used in side-walls. Tempered glass gives options for diffuse glass and AR-coating possibilities, to compensate for the loss of light due to diffusion. 

The special property of diffuse glass to scatter light, ensures a more uniform distribution of sunlight across the plants, reducing shadows and hotspots. More even light distribution allows for better photosynthesis, which can enhance plant growth and productivity. Additionally, diffuse glass can help in reducing stress on plants caused by direct sunlight, making it particularly useful in regions or seasons with high light intensity. Overall, the use of diffuse glass contributes to higher yields and better quality crops.

Although diffuse glass has many benefits, the disadvantages also need to be considered:

- Costs (tempered diffuse glass is more expensive than regular tempered glass)

- Loss of light (AR coatings can compensate the loss of light transmission, but add onto the costs of the diffuse glass) 

- Loss of flexibility (tempered diffuse glass will limit the flexibility in switching crops, reselling and anticipation between seasons)

The Haze-factor is the level of light diffusion, quantified into an index number. The Haze-factor equals the percentage of light that is scattered above an angle of 2,5 degrees.

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